Feeling lonely. Sadness. Tired.
Your mind start looking for someone who you can talk to. Someone who 'knows' you. Someone you 'know'. Not in your family circle but someone that you share your memories with. Someone who remember you as that 'comot little someone' that you used to be.Not someone you just say hi to. You looking for someone that you call FRIEND.
Semua orang pernah alami perasaan ni. Sunyi. Macamkan sepanjang hidup tak pernah ada kawan. Nak call siapa pun tak tahu sebab tertanya2..."nak ke dia kawan dengan aku lagi?"..."dia suka ke tak berkawan dengan aku ni?".."ingat ke dia kat aku lagi?"..... Atau paling teruk...feeling very insecure.
Rasa diri tak cantik...rasa diri tak popular..rasa diri tak perfect. Then we chose to caved in. Stayed being insecure. Feeling comfortable being uncomfortable.
Perlahan2 kita ajar diri kita percaya yang kita takde kawan. Kita ajar otak kita percaya yang takde orang suka kat kita. Slowly you hate being you. You envy others. Sadly you tried to be someone that you are not.
STOP!!.. Just stop right there!!
You are your worst enemy. Don't be sad if you think that you're not perfect because NOBODY is. Kita semua sama je. Takde lebih...takde kurang. Percayalah.
My intro a bit touchy touchy pulak kali ni kan..hehehe. Actually..yesterday I got a request from my best friend, Shima to write about friendship. I knew Shima my whole life!!.. Belajar tadika sama2. Pergi sekolah sama2. Jatuh motor sama2.. Hehehe. She's my bestfriend.
What can I write about friendship? Who is my friend?
To answer that questions....first..i must thank the brilliant brain behind social networking. Fully thanks to Facebook and Whatsapp which where I managed to keep in touch with my memories. Those times I thought that I have no friends has changed now. I found them! I found my schoolmates.
Jumpa balik kawan2 yang sekelas atau satu sekolah dengan kita dulu memang awesome!
Share cerita. Texting sampai laki kat sebelah jeling2..hahaha. Ketawa sorang2 dalam bilik meeting. Mata kat screen phone sambil senyum simpul. Kenangan masa sekolah memang terbaek!!
Talking to them make me know that I'm exists!! Now I'm very sure that all those school memories stories I told my kids are real. Saya tak reka cerita. Confirmed benar2 terjadi. Hahaha.
happy 40th birthday to us
This year we met as fully adult!! We not just talk about silly school memories..,we shared new info as well. We talk about our children's educations. We talk about health. We talk about life. We talk about trust. We even talk about fish!!.. hahaha.
We changed, but that 'comot little someone' masih ada dalam diri kita. True friends will always stayed in your memories as you in theirs. If they still laugh at silly things happened 100 years ago..that means they still remember you as their friend too.
Keep in touch. Stay in touch. Jangan putus berhubung. Friends can turn out being as close as your family too. Hubungan silatulrahim kena jaga. Don't let yourself feeling lonely because you always have them close-by if you let them. Be a friend to your friends. In life..we not only have family circle... We have that other circle too. And we call them FRIENDS.
just want to share or add, our long lost friends have now become our best friends after the mini reunion during raya.Perhaps this is the result of our maturity, everyone becomes concern and loving. Ejie dear, you are not alone - mdm hamiza
ReplyDeleteAbout fish? Seabass, ikan prek? Haha.. gud one AG & keep it up! - yat